Luxury branded designer bags will cost you a fortune, and it is hard to buy them without breaking the bank, or you must be filthy rich. Does that stop you from having your hands on Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and similar others?
Well, the answer might be in replicas are affordable versions of these luxury bags, which come at the pocket-friendly price of almost 10 to 20% of the actual cost. Moreover, these replicas are almost similar in quality and strength, sometimes even more durable than the original.
You need not doubt their quality because these designer bags are usually priced high for their name rather than their materials. Their look, feel, and craftsmanship are identical to the originals in many ways.
DHgate sells the verified products in this category and even has direct factory sellers who can offer you far lesser rates than most other sellers. You can find the best DHgate replica bags sellers online list, which allows you to make better choices in less time.
Table of Contents
Top 23 Best-Trusted Replica Bags Sellers Online
When buying online, one main concern is doing the product looks exactly as it is displayed. But when buying replicas, you also need to check if they look similar to the actual brands.
Another important thing to note is that the logo, branding, and packing are done after you buy them, and the finished product is different from what you see. Now that you are aware of what is necessary let us get into the actual shopping.
#1. Handbagstore888

This store is on DHgate since 2017 and has completed 47,000+ transactions to date. The 98.5% positive feedback emphasizes how excellent their products and services are.
Their replicas of prominently branded handbags come with a high resemblance to the originals, and you can barely tell them apart. Though there are numerous brands they provide, Gucci and Michael Kors are two of them that most people come looking for.
When coming to models, you can find every kind of bag, from backpacks to wallets. Their clutches, leather wallets, and long handbags are amazing and are the hot choice of most buyers from here.
#2. Women Bag

Despite being a new seller with only a couple of years on DHgate, the Women Bag store has made itself among top sellers with 3000+ transactions. Also, it is not easy to achieve and maintain positive feedback of 97.1% through your initial years.
It is only due to their unique collection and the excellent replica bags of high-range brands. You can get messenger bags, handbags, shoulder bags, crossbody bags, shoulder bags, purses, and many such kinds of bags here.
Brands such as Prada, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton are the most selling replica bags in this store. As they are the manufacturers and offer direct factory sales, you have the dual advantage of lower price and additional custom modification facility to the bag.
Good price bargain and high-quality products are the success factors of this store.
#3. Wd2011

This store was initiated around 2011 and had positive feedback of 98.2%. They made 23,000+ trade deals with buyers all over the world. Their collection is highly fashionable and liked by most women who care about their looks.
It includes wallets, luggage bags, backpacks, handbags, and several other kinds of bags. Apart from the chain sling bag with transparent mesh, their brand replica bags also sell high-selling products.
The reasonable prices and the style-quotient this store offers are the selling points of their goods. It is no surprise that most buyers tend to order at least 2 to 3 bags for their outstanding quality and excellent designs.
#4. Mk Store666

The fashion bags from this seller are made in a processing factory with professional production equipment and high standards. They are members of DHgate since 2014 and have already done 12,000+ transactions.
Their rating has been increasing since they joined and currently is at 97.7% of positive feedbacks. Replica handbags are the famous items of this store, and the most selling brand copies are Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Tommy Hilfiger, Chanel, and so on, are a few of the highly prominent ones.
Bag types such as satchels, briefcases, fashion bags, wallets, cosmetic bags, sports bags, outdoor bags, and many other models are present in this store. You need to check out the store to see their assortment of bags.
#5. Goodsell888

The Goodsell888 seller has a limited collection, and they offer elegant and classy designs. Despite having fewer products, their transactions are nearly 3500+, which means they have a pretty good reputation.
There are registered on DH gate since 2016 and have positive feedback of 96.2% due to their stunning designs. Several happy customers who bought leather handbags, purses, backpacks, and tote bags are impressed by their workmanship.
Especially the highest-selling designer tote bag has good response from buyers. You can also find the replicas of high-priced brands at a cheaper rate here. You can buy a Louis Vuitton or some other replica bags at only 20 to 30% of their actual bag cost.
#6. Mkshop5555

If you are looking for a wide range of products in the bags section, check the Mkshop5555 as they are equipped with a vast collection. This shop has been established in 2017 and has designer bags, single-shoulder bags, messenger bags, wallets, leather handbags, sling bags, and many other types of bags.
The backpacks sold by them are durable and look amazing on women. Cute-looking bags does not mean they are pricey, as here you get them at an affordable price.
Their rating of 96.2% is good in comparison to many other stores on DHgate. You should not forget to check for the replica bags and PU leather-made bags, as they are awesome in this store.
#7. Mcm1688

This seller with 3000+ customers and an excellent percentage of positive feedback, i.e., 98.7%, started with DHgate in 2017. They do not display their entire collection in the store, and you need to message the seller if you want to check out their amazing product collection.
The seller gives you a glimpse of what they can offer, but their wallets and clutches are very stylish from what you see. When you observe how well-crafted these items are, you are sure to fall in love with them for their looks and quality standard.
From designer bags to replicas, you get a wide range of bags. Just remember to contact the seller through messaging on DHgate. They will send you the photos of their entire collections of that section, from which you can choose your required product.
#8. Maizhong

The Maizhong store started in 2015 and took pride in its 16000+ happy customers who gladly provided 98.3% positive feedback. Their shop is filled with fantastic products of which each of the bags is uniquely beautiful.
Though they have over 1000+ products, none of them seems boring or outdated. Every type of bag, such as fashion bags, designer bags, luggage bags, wallets, briefcases, backpacks, and any other bag, are all both elegant and fashionable.
The top brand replicas of Gucci, Givenchy, Prada, Louis Vuitton, and so on are also available here. Their best-sellers are Gucci backpacks and handbags as well as YSL handbags. Since they ace in variety, quality, and trend, their reputation has only increased since they joined DHgate.
#9. HEC_Fashion

This store has perfect 100% positive feedback with ultimate customer satisfaction. Though they have made fewer transactions since 2016, i.e., nearly 500, they have fulfilled every delivery of theirs with excellence. They have several replica models of top brands from all over the world.
#10. Dicky0750

From low-cost bags to replicas of high-end brands are all available at amicable prices here. The range of colors and designs is responsible for its 52,000+ customers along with their attractive discounts.
But their 99.1% positive feedback is the result of their excellent quality and unmatchable customer service. They have been on DHgate since 2016 and sell handbags, wallets, clutches, backpacks, and many more models.
You mainly find bags made of leather and canvas in this shop. Also, this is your go-to shop for Prada and Louis Vuitton replica bags.
#11. Bagtrade98

If you are looking for AAA shoulder bags, this is the place to check first as they have several hot-selling shoulder bag designs. You will be impressed with their other collection, such as clutches, wallets, handbags, etc. They have a unique collection of designs and also replica bags of famous brands.
#12. Designer Bags

This shop has gained popularity within a short span of just 2 years by gaining 11,000+ customers quickly with its remarkable product range. Their tote handbags come in various sizes and shapes with spacious interiors and hence are the popular products sold by them.
Clutches, shoulder bags, cross-body bags, wallets are the other types of bags found here. In this store, you can buy Prada and Louis Vuitton replica bags that look like actual models.
#13. Juan 5518016

The Juan Store has the largest collection of luxury designer bags of top order with 98.7% positive feedback. Though started in 2016, this store aced its way through many other top sellers and has been able to accumulate 79,000+ happy customers who vouch for this store’s service.
Replicas of Prada, LV, Givenchy, Gucci, Coco Chanel, and similar models are sold in this store. You may not find the logos and prints in the sample images shown on the site, but you will find them on the end products you get after ordering them. With 400+ products, you will have ample choices to choose from.
#14. Jesse231

The Jesse store is popular for its high-quality handbags, with 98.3% of positive reviews. With over 38,000+ transactions, they have done quite a business since 2017. No wonder they are one of the topmost selling brands of DHgate for luxury bags and replica bags.
Hermes, Prada, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton are prominent brand-replicas obtainable from this store. As Hermes replica bags are not easily available, this store is uniquely visited for these bags.
Their attention to the details is exact, and they provide you with an impeccable look alike. Logos are added while preparing your order, but still, you can ask to see how they will look on the final products, and the seller will send you pictures to check.
#15. Vintage_Prada

Here you get vintage model replicas of the Prada brand at affordable prices. They also provide many Prada models, including current models, but vintage models are their specialty.
When I say affordable, they start as low as 10 bucks for a tote bag. Each of their products is bought by many customers and has a high positive rating.
Their overall positive rating of 98.5% does speak volumes about their product quality. They haven’t even completed their first year yet but have completed an impressive number of 8,000+ transactions.
#16. LiXiaoJuan

Since starting their store in 2018, Lixiaojuan has done over 24,000+ dealings on DHgate and has maintained impressive positive feedback of 98%. They have a limited yet wide variety of bags, from luxury model handbags to coin purses.
Their unique designs with pretty looks made them popular even with a small collection. Designer backpacks are another interesting product in this store.
#17. Mk6821

This 98.8% positive feedback store has an excellent and fast shipping service. They keep their prices pocket-friendly, allowing you to buy designer bags at a reasonable rate.
Many prefer buying bags from this store for their reliability, unique collection, superior quality, and apt prices.
# 18. A57221881

This direct factory seller is offering excellently crafted replica bags at affordable prices since 2018 on DHgate. They are happy to customize the product as per your needs if you request them.
With 1,100+ customers, they have earned a positive reputation of 98% through their wonderful service and excellent products.
#19. Topluxurydesignerbag

This seller is yet to complete his first year but already managed to make a good trade with 2,500+ customers successfully. Also, they managed to attain a high percentage of positive feedback of 98.4%.
Right now, their store is offering up to 50% off on all their products. What would be a better time to grab the chance to buy that top brand replica you have been eyeing for a long time?
#20. Royalronnie

The Royalronnie store has an excellent collection of designer luxury bag replicas, from wallets to handbags. This store offers a flat 60% off on their complete range of products currently valid only for the next 8 days.
Their sleek designs are sure to steal your heart. You get lovely products that have been crafted with excellent craftmanship in this store.
#21. Maggielvxury

This store features wallets, cross shoulder bags, cosmetic bags, and several other bags that replicate high-end bags’ designs. These replica bags are sold at an affordable price at Maggielvxury.
As they already did 8,200+ transactions and gained 98.3% positive feedback indicating the trustworthiness of the seller.
#22. Song1227

This first-hand replica bag seller is famous for their Louis Vuitton and Gucci replicas that look very identical to the original top brands. Even after their meticulous production methods, they inspect every wallet to bag manually before shipping to ensure they are defect-free.
Their quality explains the 98.2% positive feedback this seller has and the 3.500+ happy customers they have accumulated since 2019.
#23. Hualonglin

The 5-year-old seller with 55,000+ satisfied customers has a wide range of collections for you to select from. They sell top brand replicas in models of clutches, wallets, shoulder bags, messenger bags, purses, handbags, backpacks, and similar ones made out of genuine leather.
Is DHgate Legit?
Yes, DHgate is a legitimate website in operation for 10 years and has several manufacturers who have done many thousands of transactions. It is the second-best eCommerce site after AliExpress for Chinese goods.
Their transparency in verifying the seller practices and their return policies from time to time and offering practical insights into their activity through statistics point to how genuine their processes are.
Even their reviews are all verified for legitimacy. Hence DHgate is a genuine platform for legit designer handbags.
Is It Legal to Buy and Sell Replica Bags?
Replica bags do not have the logo of the legitimate bags on them. So, it is not illegal to buy or sell them. These reproductions look almost similar but not completely the same.
They are comparable in design but do not violate brand identity. Yes, it is illegal to buy or sell fake bags, also known as counterfeits which implement every single detail of the bag, including the logo that looks the same as the original.
What Is the Best Site to Buy Replica Bags?
DHgate and Aliexpress ate the best websites to buy replica handbags. However, DHgate ranks better due to its wide variety, style, quality, and affordability.
Top designer handbag replicas of Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Kate, Coach, Michael Kors, Chanel, Balenciaga, Marc Jacobs, Balenciaga, and Givenchy are some of the available ones On DHgate stores.
Just make sure you see the manufacturers’ ratings and reviews to avoid any possible foul play and choose the best sellers. Another easy method is going with the list provided above, which will lead you to your required products and genuine sellers.
Buying Copy Designer Bags on DHgate vs. AliExpress – Which Is Better?
DHgate offers buyer protection which safeguards your transaction, and if anything goes wrong, they keep your money safe. You get your money back if the seller does not send the order or if the product sent is not consistent with the description the seller provided.
They offer 24/7 support through live chat to answer your doubts about the product or seller or another concerning matter you want to know. Here, you get several top branded replica bags at affordable prices with excellent quality.
Most stores are run by factory-related people for direct marketing that allows substantial price reduction. AliExpess products are not as inexpensive as DHgate as they have middlemen who pocket their profits in-between and levy that burden on buyers.
Also, the seller’s fee is another factor that causes a price increase, making it tough for manufacturers to offer low rates. Buyer protection is not as flexible as DHgate, and even the communication process is slow and not as effective as DHgate.
Tips on Buying Fake Designer Bags on DHgate
When buying replica bags, you need to take care of few things to make sure you are paying for what you required.
- Check reviews for genuine feedback and real photos
- Ask the seller for photos of the final product to verify the logo and actual look.
- When you cannot find a certain bag, you can ask the seller who sells other replicas of that brand, and chances are they may have it.
- Many sellers offer discounts and gifts if you ask.
- Keep checking for fresh products every month to check for the latest fashion bags.
Your hunt for replica bags is a long one that requires research and narrowing down your sellers from thousands of stores. Every factor that helps you identify a good seller brings them down to few thousand, but still, you will have a lot of work on your hands and not to mention the time you need to do all this.
But this list is a time saver as you have all things factored in before it is curated and is provided for your convenience. Check the stores, and I am sure you will find your favorite luxury bag at unexpected prices. Enjoy your brand new bag!